Make Better-Informed Decisions Faster - FundsTOTAL helps you to keep on top of rapidly changing markets by monitoring and analyzing portfolios in real-time.

Increase Productivity - With FundsTOTAL you get intuitive P&L, risk and performance reports in a single system.

Save Money - FundsTOTAL gives you a feature-rich portfolio and risk management solution for a fraction of the cost of competing products.

Eliminate Infrastructure Headaches - FundsTOTAL provides an outsourced cloud-based solution, so you don’t need to maintain a sophisticated technology infrastructure in-house.

Offer Transparency to Investors - FundsTOTAL enables you to offer your investors a secure portal where investors can interactively analyze risk and performance attribution of the fund.

Collaborate with colleagues while working remotely - Benefit from the collective wisdom of your team by collaborating in real-time across multiple aspects of portfolio and markets.

A la Carte Pricing - Select an all-inclusive solution or a la carte modules so you can pay only for what you need.

We welcome the opportunity to speak with you regarding your software needs. Please tell us about yourself and we will be in touch right away.

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